The top questions I’m asked about hair

I thought I would cover some of the common hair-care questions I get asked everyday in the salon. Many of these are around maintaining the health and condition of your hair, as well as battling the effects of humidity!

Should I arrive at the salon with freshly washed hair for a colour appointment?
The quick answer is NO. But, it is important to remove crayon or root cover up that you've applied yourself. You should also make sure your hair isn't oily and doesn't have product build up. All of these things can make it difficult for the colour to bind to your hair. If you arrive with wet hair, it can dilute the colour and also weaken your hair. Washing your hair also removes the acid mantle from your scalp, which can make it more sensitive to the colour.  

So, the best thing to do is wash your hair the day before and keep your hair clean of any product before you come into the salon. 

What is the best temperature for washing oily hair?
It is important to wash your hair at the right temperature. One of the biggest mistakes people make when washing their hair is using water that's too hot - you want the water to be tepid.

When you wash your hair, you stimulate your sebaceous glands. When you use water that's too hot, or a shampooing technique that's too vigorous, the sebaceous glands will activate and make your hair more greasy!

Should I bring a photo?
I LOVE photos. They give me an insight into what look you want, and also help me make sure we're on the same page for colour. It is always good to keep age in mind when choosing a picture however, because hair differs in density and texture at different ages and the result you're after may not be possible. No matter what, I'll do my best to find something that will work for your face shape, lifestyle and time available to spend on styling.

How often should I wash my hair?
It might be surprising to some that you really shouldn't wash your hair every day - but finding the balance can be tricky! If you wash your hair too frequently, you risk drying it out. If you let it go too long in between washes, then you can get an oily and itchy scalp. A general rule of thumb is to wash once or twice a week. However, everyone's hair is different and so your hair care routine will be different as well.

Why does my scalp itch?
If you're not washing your hair after a workout or getting hot and sweaty, your scalp can become itchy due to the build up of dead skin, dirt, product reside and sweat. When we sweat our skin releases a salt, which is tight and drying on our scalp. It needs washing and moisturising just like the rest of the skin on your body after a workout - rinsing with water isn't enough. Make sure you are using your fingers to exfoliate your scalp when shampooing, and ensure you rinse your hair thoroughly to make sure there's no residue left in your hair or scalp.

How do I know if I'm overwashing my hair?
Signs of overwashing include hair breakage, lack of shine, fading colour, or oiler hair than usual. If you suspect you've been overwashing your hair, a good test is to try to run a brush through it while it's dry. If the brush gets stuck (not by a knot) that's a sign that you need to ease up.

Why do I get split ends?
Many things can cause split ends, but the most common is a lack of moisture. The best way to prevent split ends is to build up the moisture content inside the hair and protect the outside. That being said, once you have split ends there is no way to fix them - you will need to see a hairdresser to have them cut.

Do I have dandruff?
In my 35 years in the industry I can count on two hands the amount I've seen real dandruff in a client - it's actually less common than people think! Often it is just a dry scalp or allergic reaction to a product. I suggest speaking to a health professional or qualified hairdresser to get the correct diagnosis and develop a treatment plan to prevent it returning.

How do I deal with frizzy hair?
No one likes frizzy hair unless you're going to an 80s revival party. There are lots of ways to prevent and treat frizzy hair, but most commonly hair lacking moisture tends to be more fluffy, and sometimes it is simply genetics. To avoid frizzy hair try not to expose it to moisture or humidity straight after styling and seal the outside with a light layer of hairspray and the Joico humidity blocker.

I hope this has helped answer some questions for you. Remember, you can always book a consultation with me in the salon or online if you have queries about your hair.


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